WORKSHOP: Interpreting in a Vocational Rehabilitation Setting
Interpreting in a Vocational Rehabilitation Setting
December 12, 2015
10am -- 4pm
5324 Canal Blvd, NOLA, 70124
(Enter the side door, downstairs, facing Hawthorne Place)

This workshop will focus on interpreting in the vocational rehabilitation setting.
LRID Members -- $30
Non- LRID Members -- $35
ITP Students -- $20
Deaf -- Free
(Pay at the door)
The participants in this workshop will be discussing the guidelines and tenets established by RID regarding interpreting in vocational rehabilitation settings. Discussion will include interpreter protocol, introduction techniques, ethical decision making and vocabulary choices. Hands-on practices, break-out groups, techniques, resources, and study aids will also be provided to participants. .5 CEUs will be provided.
For more information:
Barbara Lovas at
504-722-2967 cell/text/facetime
This workshop is sponsored by Louisiana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, a chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and co-sponsored by Canal Blvd Baptist Deaf Church